

From living cells

We are experts in eco-friendly biotech. Our expertise enables us to contribute to a more sustainable, ecologically correct world. Our process comprises four phases, each in close collaboration with living cells and world-renowned research centers


A fundamental step. Observe to understand and never stop looking.

Mission: to unearth ‘microorganisms’ that will be the foundation of the innovative products and solutions of tomorrow. We invest significant resources into research.

Identify and select microorganisms

that are the most effective for each application. This means working with a team that includes the top experts in our field.

Our cell bank

contains numerous microorganisms. And within the bank ‘safe’ are important and unique strains. Our cell bank is our innovation source: providing the strains needed to develop and produce our products.

Industrial production

of microorganisms and high-powered biosurfactants, with rigorous quality requirements that leverage PCR. (Polymerase chain reaction)


Eco-label certification is completely voluntary. At HTS BIO, we make sure that we are eco-certified because helping to create a more “ecologically correct” world is a core to our mission.
In our product ranges, you will find the NF ENVIRONNEMENT, EU ECOLABEL and ECOCERT labels.


Label, issued by the AFNOR, offers the following guarantees :

  • Protection of the environment: The labeled products have a limited impact on the environment.
  • Performance : The products are at least equally effective as similar products that do not wear the label.
  • Reliability : The label is only valid for a fixed period. Every three years, the label criteria are revised. Labeled products are re-examined by independent entities that decide whether or not to renew the certification.


« The flower» is the result of collaboration among members of the European Union.
This label is known throughout the world.
Like the French NF ENVIRONNEMENT label, it guarantees that the product has a limited impact on the environment and is at least as effective as similar products that do not wear the label.
The strict criteria for receiving the LABEL covers the entire lifecycle of the product:

  • Manufacturing : selection of raw materials and packaging.
  • Distribution. :
  • Use : the product must, for example, use less water, energy and resources.
  • Disposal : packaging must be recyclable, reusable or biodegradable.

Only eco­detergents intended for indoor use can receive the ECOLABEL.


This extremely restrictive, uncompromising label only certifies products with ingredients and packaging that have almost no impact on the environment. Raw materials used in manufacturing and the final product must:

  • Be fully biodegradable.
  • Have virtually no toxicity.

Perfumes must come from natural sources, and the vast majority of synthetic compounds (e.g. colorings) are banned.

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Discover for yourself how your guests, staff & cashflow can benefit from switching to EcoBurner